Permanent Archive + Gallery | ChiDM

Help Chicago launch its new design gallery this June.

The Chicago design scene is joining AIGA’s 100th celebration with a new, permanent Chicago Design Museum (ChiDM) on June 1. Their goal is to host a world-class resource, collecting and exhibiting local, national and international design. Sound exciting? It is.

ChiDM’s first exhibit joins our centennial celebration by featuring the last century of design from the city, combined with a curated look at how communication could evolve throughout the next century. This summer will also see a number of events. And you can connect our design communities by showing your support.

To create the June 1 exhibit, the museum has introduced a crowdfunding campaign March 31-May 2. Through pledges, supporters can play a small part in helping ChiDM acquire the permanent space and archive in Chicago, curate an exhibition series, and remain open year-round.

Want to take part in this incredible launch with your (extended) design community? Read more about the rewards and benefits of the crowdfunding campaign and show ChiDM a little love. Then, join your colleagues in Chicago this June to enjoy what promises to be a great celebration!

By AIGA Wisconsin
Published April 17, 2014
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