We thought we’d spend some time getting to know the “designers” behind their flag creations and why they believe in helping inspire our city of Milwaukee. We took a moment to interview them so you could learn something too and vote for the flag that inspires you http://tinyurl.com/pfomrating

Name: DeChazier “D” Stokes-Johnson
Occupation: Director of Social Media at Nonbox
Years lived in Milwaukee: 30 years (Milwaukee FOREVER!)
- How do you think a new flag (by the people for the people) will inspire Milwaukee? How do you think it will help grow Milwaukee?
I think just the competition alone has ignited a fire and a passion within Milwaukee that has been beautiful to see. Not all of the feedback has been amazing but it has all been important. The dialogue and the communication between people from all walks of life is part of what makes this place so beautiful. I think after a new flag (by the people for the people) has been selected the conversation will continue. Hopefully people will unite behind the people’s flag and represent it with pride.
- What experiences or thinking (design related or not) helped you make the choices for this entry?
My experience of living in Milwaukee but being lucky enough to be apart of many different social groups inspired this flag. It’s not one thing. It’s many things to many people. The depth of the layers within the symbolism was important because this flag is supposed to represent all of Milwaukee’s residents.
We too often want things spelled out for us but we have a complex history. I knew I had the responsibility to do four things:
- Give respect to those that came before us, to those that inhabited this land well before us.
- Embed more of our history and geology into the symbolism.
- Create something that could be used for present day Milwaukee…
- …that could also inspire us to unite for a brighter future.

- What emotions would you use to describe your flag design? Why these emotions?
- Passion
- Pride
- Bravery
- Optimistic
- Inspired