We thought we’d spend some time getting to know the “designers” behind their flag creations and why they believe in helping inspire our city of Milwaukee. We took a moment to interview them so you could learn something too and vote for the flag that inspires you http://tinyurl.com/pfomrating

Name: Chanya Hughes
Occupation: Graphic Design Student
- How do you think a new flag (by the people for the people) will inspire Milwaukee? How do you think it will help grow Milwaukee?
I don’t expect any flag to solve the problems of a city right away, but over time I hope that my flag could foster a sincere feeling of pride and an attitude of betterment and positivity as it grows with the people. My hope is to bring people together and encourage them to make changes for the better while acknowledging the city’s past and present. The colours not only have symbolic meaning but they are bright and strong, like the people, and it was important to me to reflect them in my design.
- What experiences or thinking (design related or not) helped you make the choices for this entry?
The thing that stands out the most to me about Milwaukee is the kindness in everyone, rough edges or not. I wanted to make something worthy of the people that have made my experiences truly exceptional, without ignoring the more serious issues the city faces. The formation of the city after the historic bridge wars inspired me to continue this idea of people converging and coming together as one. I felt that this was a strong and appropriate symbol and I portrayed it in my flag as an arrow, converging but also moving forward. A symbol of brighter tomorrows and unity.

- What emotions would you use to describe your flag design? Why these emotions?
- Hope
- Connected
- Pride
- Positivity