GO! AIGA Leadership Retreat | Salt Lake City 2012

For the opening reception of this year’s leadership retreat, AIGA is partnering with MOO to ask members to represent their chapter and design a sticker to share with attendees. What a great opportunity to showcase one of Wisconsin’s great design resources — The Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum.

According to their website … Hamilton’s collection is one of the premier wood type collections in the world. In addition to wood type, the Museum is home to an amazing array of advertising cuts from the 1930s through the 1970s, and all of the equipment necessary to make wood type and print with it, as well as equipment used in the production of hot metal type, tools of the craft and rare type specimen catalogs.

Instantly smitten by these letterforms, I was inspired to create a MOO sticker with a technique that combined the very old with the very new. The Hamilton offers the opportunity to actually put your hands on and use the font collection to create works of art. Making a print will broaden your understanding of typography, color and layout. It seems simply adjusting the print work in the digital realm provides a similar effect.

I support the Hamilton. AIGA Wisconsin supports the Hamilton. And with Roman Level membership you will receive a Tuscan Egyptian Broadside, printed with love by Stephanie Carpenter.

Wood type lovers, lend a hand!
Four inches of rain in northeastern Wisconsin (5/3) has left the Hamilton with an inch of standing water in the museum (it’s bad). The 800 gallons of water sucked off the floor looks like beer (they’re calling it Hamilton Stout). They need your help raising funds to repair the roof, clean off type and buy more paper towels. Consider a donation today, any amount helps.http://woodtype.org/support

By AIGA Wisconsin
Published March 4, 2012
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